Dauphine Potatoes (Potato Puffs)

13.99 $
1.0 kg
Less known in Canada but highly prized by French cuisine, dauphine potatoes provide a superior way to enjoy your spuds, and we want to introduce them to you! Light and melt-in-your-mouth good, dauphine potatoes are prepared from a mixture of egg choux pastry and mashed potatoes.

Our delicious dauphine potatoes accompany any meat and pair wonderfully with green vegetables such as green beans or asparagus. They’re sure to become a dinnertime staple!


AU FOUR : Préchauffer le four à 200°C / 400°F. Étaler les pommes de terre dauphines encore surgelées sur une plaque de cuisson. Cuire à mi-hauteur pendant 10 à 15 minutes, en les retournant de temps en temps. À LA FRITEUSE : Chauffer l'huile à 175°C / 350°F. Remplir le panier à mi-hauteur avec les pommes de terre dauphines encore surgelées. Frire pendant 3-4 minutes. Égoutter et servir immédiatement. À LA POÊLE : Frire les pommes de terre dauphines encore surgelées dans un peu d'huile pendant 8 à 10 minutes, sur feu moyen, en remuant de temps en temps.

Ingrédients et allergènes


Pommes de terre réhydratées (eau, flocons de pommes de terre), Farine de blé, Huile de tournesol, Œufs, Amidon de blé, Pommes de terre séchées, Sel, Dextrose, Épices.


Contient : Blé, Oeuf.

Informations complémentaires

Why Dauphine potatoes?

Dauphine potatoes are a delightful fusion of finely grated potatoes and mashed potatoes, creating a light and airy texture on the inside and a golden, crispy exterior. This traditional recipe from the Dauphiné region in France offers a unique taste experience. At Cool & Simple, our Dauphine potatoes are carefully crafted, showcasing the quality of the ingredients to provide a flavourful side dish that will delight gourmands around the table!

How to reheat homemade Dauphine potatoes

We recommend reheating Dauphine potatoes in a preheated oven at 200°C for 10 to 12 minutes to preserve their crispy texture. Arrange them evenly on a baking sheet for even cooking. For a quicker solution, reheat them in a skillet with a small amount of oil, flipping them regularly until golden brown. Avoid using the microwave to preserve their crispiness.

What to serve with Dauphine potatoes

Dauphine potatoes pair perfectly with a variety of dishes. For a delicious flavour combination, serve them as a side dish to grilled meats, such as roasted chicken, beef, or lamb. They also go well with creamy sauces, sautéed vegetables, or a fresh salad for a vegetarian option. Let your creativity flow for a personalized culinary experience!



Dauphine Potatoes (Potato Puffs)

13.99 $
Less known in Canada but highly prized by French cuisine, dauphine potatoes provide a superior way to enjoy your spuds, and we want to introduce them to you! Light and melt-in-your-mouth good, dauphine potatoes are prepared from a mixture of egg choux pastry and mashed potatoes.

Our delicious dauphine potatoes accompany any meat and pair wonderfully with green vegetables such as green beans or asparagus. They’re sure to become a dinnertime staple!
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